Kerala, a state in southern India, was home to Mother Susan Kuruvilla, a diminutive dynamo who worked tirelessly to minister to the poor and needy of the region.

Mother Susan established St. Gregory’s Orphanage in 1973. Her mission was to aid, educate and provide a safe haven for orphans.

In 1977, she founded a medical clinic to aid the poor and sick people of the neighbouring villages. Many people, including lepers, line up at the clinic daily to receive free treatment for their ailments.

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In 1982 Mother Susan further expanded her efforts by building a nursery school to educate the poor children in the area. She provided the children with study materials, uniforms and transportation to the school. In addition to all these initiatives, Mother Susan provided for many destitute people who came to her every day seeking food and clothing.

Mother Susan hailed from a wealthy family but she chose a life of service to the poor. With the Grace of God and her dedication, perseverance and sacrifice, she has provided a home for the children and adults under her care by replacing old, leaky makeshift shacks made from coconut leaves and bamboo, with more permanent buildings.

We’ve asked for your help in order to further expand, improve and continue Mother Susan’s service to the poor. Because of your generous support, the construction of the girl’s building is now complete and we look forward to starting the construction of the boy’s building. There is much work to be done. To continue her divine mission, with the Grace of God and your generous support, we can continue Mother Susan’s work and fulfill her dream.


Mother Susan was born in 1927. While still a child, praying in church, Mother Susan heard a voice saying “Go and mend my broken church. Observe lent, prayer and fasting for 41 days, for I would make you a useful weapon for me”. During the evening’s prayer, she beheld Christ moving on the crucifix on the wall and heard Him ask “Are you willing to follow me whenever I call you to take up my Cross?” Affirming her belief and love, she received a sense of spiritual uplifting which never left her. On Good Friday, at the age of thirteen while at church, she had a severe attack of pain all over her body and received the stigmatic wounds for the first time. The wounds of Christ’s crucifixion appeared on the palms of her hands, the soles of her feet, the right side of her chest and the wounds made by the crown of thorns encircled her head.

At the age of 23 she stopped eating food. The need for sleep also left her at this time, although she would lie down during late night hours for three hours of meditation, during which she had regular visions and conversation with Christ. Despite the lack of food and sleep she had miraculous energy, which she would explain by saying, “I’m alive only through the grace of God. I ask His mercy to help endure the pain. For if it is God’s will, then I must endure it. But we can suffer to any extent through God.”

From that time, until the end of her life on May 29, 2018 when she was almost ninety-one, Mother Susan suffered the excruciating pain of the crucifixion every Tuesday and Friday, and for the forty days between the Resurrection and the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven. On Good Fridays, her suffering lasted three and a half hours.

After each episode of intense suffering during which her wounds opened and bled, Mother Susan would go into an ecstatic trance. While in this state she would be infused with the Holy Spirit and she was able to answer the requests and prayers of her devotees.

People received miraculous graces, like healings, restoration of health, barren women conceived and the mentally sick were healed. Others received favours too numerous to narrate. Mother Susan also received the gift of exorcism and many possessed individuals had their lives restored to them.

While engrossed in daily prayer, Mother Susan received the grace of vision, when Jesus, Mary and the Saints revealed themselves to her.

There are so many people whose lives have been touched by Mother Susan. Many of us have received miracles through her intercession. But once you met her, there was no denying that some of the holiness of this wonderful Saint spilled over on to us. Once she touched your life, you were not the same anymore. A piece of her stays with you forever.

After a life of service dedicated to the poor, the orphaned, the sick and disabled, in May 2018, Mother Susan left us to be with our Lord in Heaven.

Mother Susan – pray for us.

The Canadian Connection

Mother Susan visited Canada for the first time in 1981. As a stigmatist, Mother Susan had the gift of bearing the wounds of the crucified Jesus Christ on her body. God also bestowed upon this beloved daughter of His, remarkable spiritual gifts. During her visit in 1981 and subsequent visits to Canada, Mother Susan made many friends and well-wishers. Her efficacious prayers resulted in many healings and others received signal graces. Moved by the spirituality and humility of this holy nun, a small group of Canadian devotees decided to visit her Charity Care Centre called Mar Gregorios Ashram, in Kerala, India. Inspired by Mother Susan’s work in Kerala, the visitors returned to Canada with a goal of raising funds for her orphanage and registered a charity with the Government of Canada under the name of Mar Gregorios Asram Charitable Association, with a registration #119032803RR0001.

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